Adventuring Genealogist
links focus on World War I, although some apply to many other wars as well. They are compiled from primarily those agencies listed below, but also an assortment of other websites and sources. Some are the result of a European trip with Max Pickett, driving from Amsterdam to Rome, with many cemetery stops along the way in the Fall of 2014.
An explanation of the political-geographical
history of World War I helps to explain some of the alliances
that may seem odd today, as well as the colonial empiries at the time.
Agencies which built and care for many of these cemeteries
American Battle Monuments Commission, American Military Cemeteries overseas for World War I and World War II.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission includes burials outside CWGC cemeteries, as well as descriptions and directions to those cemeteries, all over the world and for World War I and World War II.
German War Graves Commission includes burials outside Volksbund cemeteries, all over the world and for all wars
Office of Army Cemeteries listings of their 35 cemeteries across the US,
Arlington being the most famous
Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration now includes some state
cemeteries and individual burials in private cemeteries as well as the National Cemeteries they oversee
Graves, source for finding a burial, mostly in the USA.
Find A Grave, source for locating a burial, mostly in the USA and military cemeteries worldwide.
military records, mostly US, but also Commonwealth (British Empire),
some burials.
Committee of the Red Cross includes more records than burials,
for all parties, from World War I to the present. WWI records regarding POW camps are online with a database. However, the records are written in French, German, English, or Russian for World War I.
Interment, source for burials, mostly in the USA.
Military Cemeteries and Burials , mostly in Europe and the US
Polish War Graves listings mostly in Western Europe, not Italy
War Cemeteries in Western Galicia for WWI Polish men served in the armies of Prussia, Austria, and Russia. However, these cemeteries combined the fallen from all armies.

Christine Saffell 2020-2023